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Who Needs All That Power in the M4 iPad?  Filmmakers, Baby

We covered Apple's brand new iPad on release day, but didn't get too deep in those nitty gritties of how intricately the new addition of the M4 chips will be an amazing addition for filmmakers. Lucky for you, were circling back with exactly that. Check out our deep dive into Apple's new iPad below and let us know if you can think of any sweet new filmmaking applications in the comments. iPad 2's Big M4 JumpIf there's one running theme in response to the new M4 iPad, it’s “why put this much power in an iPad?” Apple has been rolling out new processors at a pretty steady pace these last few years, but usually starts a new generation of processors in laptops or desktops first. Many people even felt that the last generation iPad (the M2) has much power the software couldn’t possibly use it all. Why go from there, skip the M3, and use the iPad as the launch platform for the newest generation, the M4?We Need the PowerThis might be true for normal people. But we’re not normal people. We’re filmmakers. And for better or worse, we will always take all the power someone has to give us to make whatever we possibly can with it. That’s like our whole thing. Normal people may or may not need apple care, but filmmakers get it because we eat our machines alive. Our machines are out with us in the field, going to sets and scouts and back in the...


Published By: NoFilmSchool - Thursday, 16 May

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